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House 7

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This Best in American Living Award winner, like all our homes, evolved directly from the owner's desires and needs. Their desire for a traditional yet contemporary home called for the use of traditional shapes and elements combined with a contemporary floor plan and contemporary details.

Their request for an elegant entry (to make a strong first impression) was accomplished by careful use of materials, space, and lighting. As you enter, your eye is drawn through the home to the view outside framed by the dining room windows. Gently curved hardwood steps create a warm transition from the rich marble foyer floor, inviting you into the home. Above, the curve in the steps is echoed in the balcony wall at the second floor. Beyond, wall sconces and indirect lighting accent the pure gable-form ceiling overhead.

As for its harmonious blend of house and site, William Nolan, of Better Homes and Gardens magazine, one of the judges, said "We liked the way the house sits on the site. It looks good on a fairly spacious piece of ground. It has a country estate look without being pompous."

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